Miyerkules, Marso 18, 2015

Instantaneous and Average Power

Instantaneous and Average Power in an AC Circuit

The instantaneous power at any one moment is the same as in a DC circuit - Joules Law
The average power is the time average of the power over one period.
For a current driven circuit we can rewrite this as,

In AC circuit analysis, what is this power that we talk about. The main problem is that the AC voltage and current varies sinusoidally with time. Moreover the presence of circuit reactive elements like Inductor and capacitor shift the current wave with respect to voltage wave (angle of phase difference). 

Power is rate at which energy is consumed by load or produced by generator. Whether it is DC circuit or AC circuit, the value of instantaneous power is obtained by multiplying instantaneous voltage with instantaneous current. If at any instant of time t the voltage and current values are represented by sine functions as

         v = Vm  sin ωt  

          i = Im  sin (ωt-φ)
Vm and Im  are the maximum values of the sinusoidal voltage and current. Here ω=2 π f
f is the frequency and ω is the angular frequency of rotating voltage or current phasors. It should be clear that for a power system f is usually 50 or 60 Hz
φ is the phase difference between the voltage and current.

As we said the instantaneous power is the product of instantaneous voltage and current, if we name instantaneous power as p then

p = v.i =  Vm  sin ωt  .  Im  sin (ωt-φ)
         or  p = Vm Im  sin ωt  sin (ωt-φ)

Applying trigonometric formula 2.sin A.sin B = cos(A-B) - cos (A+B)  we get

It can be written as

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